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Juran: A Lifetime of Quality
He speaks out on ISO 9000, Six Sigma and more
by Scott M. Paton

Make Process Simulation Work for You
A successful analyst will consider more than the appropriate method and software.
by Deborah A. Sadowski and Mark R. Grabau

ISO 14001 Case Studies
How five companies reduced environmental risks and saved money
by Denise Wecker-Seipke

Closed-Loop Control in Hardness Testing
Greater accuracy and reliability make this electronic system worth the investment.
by Edward Tobolski

2001 Baldrige Award Winner Profile
Chugach School District
by Robert Green

Koalaty Kid
A student-focused initiative to improve the quality of education
by Kennedy Smith

Calibration Software and Services Guide
A host of companies can help you with your calibration needs.
by Robert Green and Kennedy Smith