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ISO/TS 16949: Here at Last
The Big Three finally announce the fate of QS-9000’s replacement.
by Karen Whitmore and Carla Kalogeridis

Buying a Vision Sensor: 10 Questions You Must Ask
Make sure you get the sensor that meets your specific needs.
by Evan Lubofsky

First, Do No Harm
Is there a nondestructive testing method that's right for you?
by Kennedy Smith

Value-Added Auditing: Your Best Assessment Tool
It's so hot, the New York Stock Exchange requires these audits for its listed companies.
by Greg Hutchins

2001 Baldrige Award Winner Profile
Pearl River School District
by Robert Green

2002 Vision Systems Directory
Step one in your hunt for the right vision-based metrology products
by Hallie Gorman and Laurel Thoennes