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Vision Systems Look to the Future

Smart cameras and onboard platforms make these sensors more efficient and affordable

by Phil Heil and Richard Daigle

The Baldrige Revisited
Designed to change with the times, the Baldrige program is indeed a journey.
by Kennedy Smith

Six Sigma Success in Health Care
A story of implementing a manufacturing-based methodology in the medical world.
by Richard Beaver

ISO 9001 and Customer Satisfaction
ISO 9001-2000 After the Transition--Part 1
Surveys aren't the only way to obtain critical feedback.
by Craig Cochran

Quality Conversation With Robert A. McKanna
The superintendent of Community Consolitdated School District 15 in Palatine, Illinois, discusses his organization's Baldrige Journey.
by Kennedy Smith

2004 Registrar Directory
This one-stop guide serves as an excellent starting point in your journey toward compliance and/or registration to a number of quality standards.

2004 State Quality Awards Directory
Quality Digest’s 2004 directory of national and state quality awards