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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

Advances in Large-Scale Assembly

Indoor GPS aligns with success.

On the cover: Edward R. Barrientos,
president of ArcSecond Inc.,
with an indoor GPS laser transmitter

Six Sigma at National Semiconductor
Semiconductor fabs are ideally suited for this quality improvement methodology.
by Dirk Dusharme

Leveraging Your ISO 9001 System for Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
ISO 9001-compliant companies can use their management systems to help comply with this statute's demands.
by Maureen A. McAllister

Out or In: The Challenge of Calibration Management
What quality managers need to know about in-house vs. outsourced calibration
by Hershal C. Brewer

Design for Six Sigma Demystified
DFSS's preventive methodology saves time and money in design, prototyping and testing.
by Phong Vu and Kempton Smith

2005 Six Sigma Services Directory
Your guide to Six Sigma services