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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

Managing Quality in a Global Economy

How to maintain quality when an outsider produces your goods.

by Amy Zuckerman On the cover: Keith Parent, CEO and president of Court Square Data Group.

Versatile Noncontact Measurement
These highly accurate measurement techniques cover a variety of manufacturing applications.
by Thomas Pelton

Avoiding Software Meltdown
Minimizing computer system failure can save time, money and even lives.
by R. Timothy Stein, Ph.D.

The ISO 14001:2004 Revision
Knowing the changes in this standard will help keep your organization ahead of the environmental curve.
by Roderick A. Munro, Ph.D., and William M. Harral

Bringing Lean Systems Thinking to Six Sigma
Used together, these methodologies improve each other.
by Paul Mullenhour and Jamie Flinchbaugh

Armor Yourself Against Outsourcing
What quality professionals should know to stay employable
by Greg Hutchins

2005 State Quality Awards Directory

2005 Registrar Directory