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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

X-ray Inspection

Whether 2-D, 3-D or both, X-ray inspection evaluates hidden features in complex devices.

by Guido Rademaker, Ph.D.

Six Sigma Success in Small Businesses
The popular quality methodology brings improvement to Ideal Aerosmith.
by Praveen Gupta and Barb Schultz

A Quality Life
Genichi Taguchi's influence on quality spans decades.
by Laura Smith

It's 7 PM...Do You Know What Your Software's Doing?
When it comes to statistics, if you ask the wrong question, you'll get the wrong answer.
by Randall Johns and Robert Watson

The Quest for Zero Defects
Are we closer to the goal of zero defects now than we were 25 years ago?
by Mike Richman

ISO/TS 16949 Implementation: Where to Start
Automotive suppliers need to plan ahead to transition from QS-9000.
by Cathryn Girard

2005 Gages Directory