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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

High Speed CMM Scanning... Really

New sensor and motion control developments usher in faster throughput and significant cost savings for manufacturers.

by Barry Rogers

OHSAS 18001 Puts Safety First
BSI's new occupational health and safety management system links with ISO 9001 and could reduce costs from accidents and hazards.
by Roderick A. Munro, Ph.D., and William J. Luka

From the Gallery of Quality Geniuses
Recollections of Philip B. Crosby
by Norman Bodek

Juggling Multiple Standards
Save time and money by integrating your various management systems.
by Chad Kymal

The Elephant in the Operating Room
Ignoring the obvious, health care turns a blind eye to the benefits of Six Sigma
by Greg Brue

2005 Optical Gages Directory