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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

Alas, Poor Leader...

Hamlet offers some great lessons on how not to lead.

by Craig Cochran

Electronic Signature Verification
Stay on track as the FDA re-examines 21 CFR Part 11.
by Joseph Vinhais

AS9100 Proves Its Worth
The aerospace industry is discovering the benefits of maintaining quality while cutting costs.
by Roger Ritterbeck

ISO 9001: The Shift to Service
No longer just for manufacturing companies, ISO 9001 is slowly being embraced by service organizations as well.
by Dirk Dusharme

An Alternative Method for Design of Experiments*
This Six Sigma tool requires no statistics and can be performed while a process is running.
by Mark L. Crossley

*Because of the number of equations and graphs, this file is available only as a PDF.

Advances in 2-D Metrology
Automation, increased accuracy and improvements in sensor technologies are just some of the goodies included in the new breed of surface and form measurement products.
by Robert Wasilesky

2005 ISO Standards Software Directory
Find the right ISO standards software solution to fit your needs.