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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

Who's Driving Quality Today?

Presenting the people that make quality happen... just don't call them gurus.

by Laura Smith

Ultrasonic Testing: Seeing the Unseeable
This technology fits the bill for many applications where nondestructive measurement is a must.
by Tom Nelligan

Building a Compliance Process Management System
Sharing critical compliance data across the organization requires a holistic view and a software platform that supports it.
by Joe Lindsay

Sundae Innovation
The Ice Cream Maker explains that while Americans have cornered the market on innovation, they lack in quality consistency.
by Subir Chowdhury

ISO/TS16949 Changes Are Happening Now
The IATF is emphasizing stricter interpretations of the technical standards' audit process and supplier performance.
by Peter Theobald

Six Sigma Certification: What's it Worth
A Six Sigma certificate is only as good as the skill set upon which it's based.
by Roderick A. Munro, Ph.D.

2005 Vision Systems Directory