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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

The Six Sigma Cure

In an effort to trim front-end expenses, Big Pharma is taking a process-improvement cue from its manufacturing peers.

Process Management for Hazardous Substances
Software applications can help support RoHS, WEEE and Green Process management systems.
by Stanley H. Salot Jr.

Be Careful With That!
Hazardous substance process management stresses safety through compliance.
by Dennis Bradley and Gwen K. Wade

Breaking the Bottleneck
Value-stream mapping helps lean service industries eliminate waste.
by Bill Ritsch

Micro Measurement for a Micro World
Touch probes keep up with the growing miniaturization of mechanical parts.
by Dirk Dusharme

2006 State Quality Awards Directory
Find a quality award program in your state.

2006 Registrar Directory
Find the right registrar to fit your needs.