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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database

3-D Inspection

A look at technologies for automotive 3-D measurement.

by Dirk Dusharme

Looking Closer at 3-D CAD
This versatile technology offers more than just eye candy on a monitor.
by William M. Gascoigne

Internal Auditing for ISO/TS 16949
Members of your organization are often the best people to audit compliance to this technical standard--here’s how.
by Radley M. Smith, Roderick A. Munro, Ph.D., Ronald J. Bowen

Quality Around the World
How does the quality function fare in different parts of the world?
by Laura Smith

Radiographic Inspection of Aircraft Components
Film radiography still rules for certain applications, but digital technology is capturing the kingdom of aerospace.
by Steven A. Mango

2006 Optical Gaging Directory