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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database


ISO 9000: Then and Now

How far have we come?

by Quality Digest (with Denise Robitaille and Jack West)

Process Improvement and Other Fairy Tales
Overcome the four myths of traditional software development.
by David Elfanbaum

Six Sigma vs. TQM
A recent debate offers some surprising insights into these two quality methodologies.
by H. James Harrington and Praveen Gupta

One Test, One Accreditation-- Accepted Everywhere
U.S. laboratory accreditation boards should take advantage of mutual-recognition arrangements.
by Peter Unger

Quality Management Systems for the Production Employee
Let these valuable process owners be part of the solution.
by Donald Cherry and Greg Gruska

Laser Scanners Find New Applications in Noncontact Inspection
Roll over, touch technology. Laser scanning's got your number and more.
by James Clark

2006 Flowcharting/Process Simulation Software Directory
Find the right software solution for your needs