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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database


A Little Help From Their Friends
DaimlerChrysler’s quality assurance and audit teams lend suppliers their expertise and elbow grease.

by John Prehn, James Hare, Kurt Vogler and John Casey

Happy (Audit) Trails
Follow these routes when assessing companies for ISO/TS 16949:2002 compliance.
by Chad Kymal

Quality Software Bridges Theory and Reality
Real-world implementation of Six Sigma solutions requires fast and reliable data analysis.
by Nader Fathi and Al Alaverdi

Measuring Performance Improvement
Beware of new brooms that sweep away meaningful data—and people.
by Praveen Gupta

The “Wow” of Wireless Gauging
This technology is so smart, it may soon be calling your cell phone.
by Bob Harman

2007 State Quality Awards Directory
Find a quality award program in your state.

2007 Registrar Directory
Find the right registrar to fit your needs.