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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database


Field Radiography Examines the Big Picture
Working in diverse and dangerous environments, radiographers use their wits and portable X-ray tools. by Steven A. Mango

by Steven A. Mango

Today's Special: Food Safety
New standardization efforts aim to fix the government's broken food-safety programs.
by Laura Smith

The Devolution of Quality
Our assumptions about quality have changed since Walter A. Shewhart designed the first control chart.
by Roderick A. Munro, Ph.D.

Two New ISO Standards Address Greenhouse Gas Emissions
ISO 14064:2006 and ISO 14065:2007 can help organizations plan for--and profit from--sound environmental practices.
by Russell Thornton

How Smart Is Your SPC Software?
It should be flexible enough to comply with FDA regulations while allowing users to get on with their work.
by Douglas C. Fair

Overcoming the JetBlues
You can't keep a good airline down.
by Mike Richman

2007 Gauges Directory
Find the right gauge to fit your needs