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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database


Digital Design and Assembly
Creating watercraft is only one use for this innovative 3-D technique.

by Johan Gout

The Hidden Costs of Cheap Certification
Beware of certification bodies that compete on
price alone.
by Laura Smith

Teaming Health Care With Quality
How one hospital's quest for compassionate care became a sound business model.
by James M. Anderson

Introducing RFID Technology
This emerging technology has the potential to drastically improve supply chain efficiency.
by Louis Sirico

'Pl-Ott the Data!'
A retrospective look at the contributions of master statistician Ellis R. Ott
by Dean V. Neubauer

2007 Retailer Customer Satisfaction Survey
When it comes to overall customer satisfaction, employee helpfulness is the key factor.
by Dirk Dusharme

2007 3-D Measurement and Analysis Equipment Directory
Find the right gauge to fit your needs