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ISO 9000 Database


Spectrophotometers: Cheaper, Better, Faster

The latest generation of color-analysis tools brings lab quality to the shop floor.

by Kenneth Phillips

Focus on Quality Expo
With more choices than ever, attending Quality Expo 2007 will prove profitable to you in more ways than one.
by Mike Richman

Building Models Builds Consensus
Using design of experiments software to build safer truck tires.
by Diana Levey

Where SOX and Your QMS Converge
Link your management systems and support Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.
by Sandford Liebesman, Ph.D.

Operating Metrics: The Next Frontier for Semiconductor Manufacturers
Using the right metric to measure profitability
by Richard Batty

Beyond a Smile and a Nod
Boost the performance of Six Sigma projects by improving your own participation as a sponsor.
by Steve Jacobs, Jim Hillgren, and Mark Zabel

2007 Quality Consultants Directory
Find the right quality consultant to fit your needs.