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ISO 9000 Database
ISO 9000 Database


Creating Excellence in a Multinational Team

Awareness, cross-cultural understanding, and commitment to high standards are just the beginning.

by J.R. McGee

The Power of Paperless Calibration Management
Pen-and-paper systems may be cheap, but they can’t keep up in regulated industries.
by Villy Lindfelt

Everything but the Squeal
Don’t ‘comply’ with ISO 14001--profit from it.
by William A. Levinson

Enter the Invincible E-Invoice
Whether your company hangs its shingle online or is strictly brick and mortar, e-invoices offer a globetrotting, green solution for data quality.
by Thayer Stewart

Don’t Think Small: Think Micro
The latest vision-based micrometrology systems incorporate advanced positioning technology and high-magnification optics to ensure quality in a growing range of products.
by Ralph Leseberg

It Ain’t Easy Being Green
Choosing the right environmental standard may require pleasing several masters.
by Mary F. McDonald

2007 Vision Systems Directory
Find the right vision system to fit your needs.