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ISO 9000 Database


Perfecting the Last Hubble Rendezvous

3-D measurement provides a “reality check” in NASA’s part-mate exercise.

by Belinda Jones

Quality Expo Detroit: The Place to Be for Manufacturing Excellence
The eyes of the quality world will be upon Novi, Michigan, next month.
by Mike Richman

Find Mistakes Where They Can Be Corrected
Manufacturers enjoy the benefits of on-machine verification.
by Peter Dickin

Lean Roots--A Quick History Lesson
How the Toyota Production System began--and what it means to us today.
by Jerry Feingold

AS9100: Reducing Variation in the ICOP Scheme
Certification body standardization helps improve aerospace supplier performance.
by Sidney Vianna

Bored by Lean
Apathy is a cancer that affects lean continued process improvement.
by Thomas R. Cutler

Face to Face With Chinese Vendors--Part 2
What to expect on your visit to China
by Stanley Chao

2008 3-D Measurement Directory
Find the right 3-D measurement system to fit your needs.