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2008 Six Sigma Directory

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Do you wish you knew more about Six Sigma? Hold off searching the internet. Quality Digest’s 2008 Six Sigma Software and Services Directory may help you learn everything you ever wanted to know about this quality methodology.

The following directory presents companies that offer Six Sigma software and/or services. Each listing includes the company name, address, phone and fax numbers, web address and their business activities related to Six Sigma—be it services (SVC), software (SW) or both. For company descriptions, visit our buyers guides online at http://qualitydigest.com/qdb/html/bg_search_form.lasso.

This directory is not meant to endorse or exclude any particular organization. Rather, it should be used as the starting point in the data-gathering process. Readers are encouraged to contact the companies directly for more information and to ask for—and check—references.